The last year or so has been very difficult for us all, and none more so than the vulnerable children and babies with disabilities and ongoing medical conditions. Action Medical Research plays a vital role in investing in life-changing research to help these children, and they depend on the support of companies like Liberty Specialty Markets to make this possible.

Since 2016, we have supported a variety of research projects including studies focusing on what causes Crohn’s disease, improving diagnosis of brain cancer using scanning technology, and most recently predicting the long terms affects of birth asphyxia.

What is Birth asphyxia?

Birth asphyxia is a lack of oxygen and/or a reduced blood supply to babies' brains around the time of birth. It can have terrible consequences including a brain injury called hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE). Tragically, babies with this condition can lose their lives or be left with long-term complications, like cerebral palsy. Although cooling therapy saves many babies from death and severe disability, little is known about the long-term effects of early brain injury, HIE, on children’s everyday lives.


Liberty Specialty Markets donations 2020/2021

donated towards Birth Asphyxia project 


Total raised for Action Medical Research so far

Virtual Lunch and Learn

The current study is being led by Dr Brigitte Vollmer who attended a virtual Lunch and Learn with Action Medical Research and LSM on Thursday 17th November 2020, which also tied in with World Prematurity Day – a big day in the Action calendar as this an area of special interest for the charity.

In addition, Action continues to fund around 60 research studies across the UK, but they have also responded to the pandemic by making grants for five new studies focussing exclusively on COVID-19 and how it affects children and pregnant women.

How will the research help?

The research study by Dr Brigitte Vollmer, aims to improve our knowledge of the long-term effects of HIE on a child’s brain development, learning and behaviour – and develop ways to identify those who may benefit from additional support.


Picture of child being vaccinated

Watch the video about our partnership with Action Medical Research. 

Fundraising Activities

Our fundraising activities include runners in the London and Paris marathons, with one employee running the entire London Marathon dressed as Action’s mascot, Paddington Bear™! We also hold an annual Action Cream Tea fundraiser, where our employees enjoy delicious tea and scones in aid of the charity.

"Thank you once again to Liberty for the tremendous corporate support but also to all those individuals within the company that have gone the extra mile (some very literally by running marathons and cycling hundreds of miles) for Action. Your generosity and personal efforts will help children for years to come." - Toby, Action Medical Research

Liberty Action Water Marathon

Details of the research study - from Dr Vollmer

Find out more

Visit the Action Medical Research website to find out more.