Throughout our business, we aim to employ the best people and deliver the best products and services.
In doing so we can deliver the experience our clients and brokers need and want. That’s why we’re always delighted to receive industry recognition through awards and surveys that have been voted for and judged by stakeholders in the market.

Women in Insurance
Awarded to Emma Gros
The Underwriting Professional of the Year is open to women working in an un...

Women in Insurance
Awarded to Irene Stavrou
The Claims Professional award recognises women working in a claims role in ...

Best Large Stand at Airmic
Awarded to LSM
The stand featured sustainable and recycled materials, which have been reus...

Insurance Business UK 5-Star Construction 2022
Awarded to Awarded to Liberty Specialty Markets for serving the construction sector
Insurance Business UK has revealed its list of the best providers for the c...

London’s Leading Underwriters - Female Bench Strength Leader 2022
Awarded to LSM female underwriters
InsurIndex ranked London’s Leading Underwriters and LSM was placed first as...

London’s Leading Underwriters - Bench Strength Fastest Riser 2022
Awarded to LSM underwriters
InsurIndex ranked London’s Leading Underwriters and LSM had made the greate...

London’s Leading Aviation & Space Underwriters 2022
Awarded to Bill Halligan, Meghan Walker and Dan Fulco
Bill Halligan has topped the aviation and space category in London’s Leadin...

The Insurer Lloyd's ESG survey 2022
Awarded to Liberty Specialty Markets
LSM came 3rd overall in the Lloyd’s ESG Survey, a new comprehensive online ...

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