Profile image of Asha

Asha Peacock

About the artist

Instagram: @asha_zoe_


Asha Peacock is a painter interested in exposing the role that objects play within our lives and how the representation of everyday things in artwork can speak to us about our relationships with our possessions and the narratives they hold. A recent graduate in 2022, from Kingston School of Art, she holds a BA in Fine Art.

Her ongoing series of work depicts paintings of submitted objects which have sentimental value. The objects are seemingly generic and leave room for the viewer to see themselves and their own possessions within the series. 

Each piece has both a painting and an interview with the object’s owner alongside it. This dual practise allows for an in-depth exploration into the subject/object relationship and the importance of objects in our lives. 

The artist has come to understand that a tangible object has the power to connect those who have lost, to things that have been left in the past. Such is why we seem to collect and consequently, this relationship occurs between subject and object.

Objects act as a bridge, between us and the way in which we experience life. The object acts like a vehicle which can state for you ‘I was here, and I did this’ or ‘This person existed, and I loved them’. The object can act as a permanent fixture outside of the body, and as a whole collection or on their own, they can become an extension of the self. 

Through the sharing of the stories that surround the object, intimate narratives are revealed. The objects become a catalyst for conversation, unlocking memories that may never have been shared before. 

‘‘I see my paintings as a form of portraiture - each object an intimate depiction of a person.’’