Brokers tell us that they like working with us
We believe this is because we take time to understand our brokers’ and clients’ businesses. We ask the right kind of questions and tailor insurance solutions that meet your current risks and help you prepare for the unpredictable. We ensure that our customer proposition is joined up through our business from initial underwriting, to claims handling and risk engineering support, so what we deliver to you is consistent and seamless.
We make it easy for you to do business with us… whether it’s face to face in our offices, at our boxes at Lloyd’s, over the phone or through e-trading. What matters most to us is that we are available when and where you need us.
We build lasting relationships based on trust
We collect feedback from our broker partners through our market insights programme so we can respond to shifting needs and evolving business practices by improving our service levels and value proposition and continue challenging ourselves to be the best.
Our engagement is structured as well as transactional. We take a proactive approach, engaging on an ongoing basis to understand the needs and wants of our brokers and clients. So rather than responding reactively when an account is presented, we build time into the process that allows us to present a solution that’s been thought through and designed carefully to match the needs of our mutual clients.