
Liberty Specialty Markets – Favorite company of French Risk Managers

Bannière Golder
  • Published on

    13 February 2024
  • Reading time

    2 min.

The Liberty Specialty Markets France teams received for the second time in a row the Golder & Partners prize for favorite company among risk managers.*

This award, the result of a survey carried out among French risk managers, is the result of a state of mind entirely focused on the satisfaction of our partners, brokers and clients. 

Thank you to them for their request and their positive feedback and congratulations to the French teams for their incredible work. “This award which honors us is also that of an expert, united team which has customer satisfaction at heart. I am proud to share it with them. » Olivier Reiz, Managing Director, Liberty Specialty Markets France


*Baromètre Golder 2024 – satisfaction risk managers – assureurs grands risques.