Varanda artwork

Tell us about 'Varanda'

Part of a larger series known as Patio da Valentina, these watercolours depict a Lisbon courtyard known as Patio Do Carrasco. The location plays a fundamental role in my work, depicting the themes of memory, time and ruins. My late grandmother introduced me to the location, though I had not visited in thirteen years. I chose to merge my memories of this courtyard with the depiction of the present. When I returned, the location was in a much worse state than I remembered. The buildings were dilapidated and the once lively and colourful environment was lifeless. I chose to present the courtyard from various angles at different times of the day, suggesting the possible passing of decades between the paintings. This idea is enhanced through lighting, objects and flora. I wanted to present a different perspective to traditional horizontal landscape paintings so I painted the courtyard as if the viewer is looking upwards.

Size (h x w)
24 x 28 centimetres
Guide Price

Images in office