Mantarlele Divas / Enchanted Days, is part of a series where I have illustrated my own journey from childhood to adulthood. The paintings are a part of a series that are in chronological order. This first one represents the nostalgic time I have spent with my family in India.
Being a one year old enjoying quality time on a picnic with my Aunts, Mother and Nana. Using symbolic imagery like the red summery tree which is called ‘Gulmohor’ in India and other related fairytale stories woven within the work I visually describe my memories.
Through my painting technique I illustrate memories which are usually fleeting and blurred. The colours also reflect their atmosphere. Yellow haze in the air is a keen observation from my outdoor studies in India. Now staying in London, these paintings are the fusions of memories from India and London. Past and Present. The castle-like building is a part of my London observation. The consequence of layering, removing and adding is a nod towards the process of memory, time and the layers that build what makes us.
Oil on canvas
Size (h x w)
140 x 100 centimetres